If you are receiving the spooler issue on an HP printer or getting the printer spooler error message along with the code then, you may fix this issue without much more effort. There are various issues or problems occur when the HP printer shows an error message. Here you will get a comprehensive guide to fix the HP printer spooler issue.

What is the Printer Spooler in HP?

If you wish to understand the Printer Spooler so generally, it is the computer-generated programming term that manages the data as well as information. After activating the spooler issue, you may face a low batter issue or other major problem.

What Are the actual causes of the HP printer spooler issue?

There might be various reasons why you can experience HP printer spooler problems, just read the actual causes:

Due to the corrupted documents or data.

Invalid input commands.

Spooler software crashed or failed and so on. 

Moreover, just follow the given mentioned solutions to fix the HP printer spooler issue.

Solutions to Fix the HP Printer Spooler issue:

Solution 1: Stop the printer spooler jobs:

You must try to SHUT DOWN all the programs.

Hit on the START button.

Now, go to the ADMINISTRATIVE TOOLS facility.

Then, choose the SERVICE facility.

SCROLL DOWN the list and hit on the PRINT SPOOLER option.

RIGHT-CLICK on the spooler then, hit on STOP.

After that, reach the SYSTEM32 FOLDERS and then, hit on the PRINTERS.

DELETE ALL THE PRINT JOBS and hit on the PRINT spoolers.

Tap again on the START option.

Lastly, you may print the documents as a trail.

Solution 2: Reset Printer Spooler:

Hit on the START or WINDOWS button and then, type SERVICE. MSC under the search bar.

Next, go to the SERVICE WINDOW where you have to pick the PRINT SPOOLER option.

DOUBLE-CLICK on it and hit on the PRINT SPOOLER option.

Next, tap on the STOP button where you have to hit the OK button.

Now, choose the START button and choose the  “%WINDIR%\SYSTEM32\SPOOL\PRINTERS.

Then, tap on the ENTER button.

Again, reach the SETTINGS of the spooler then, you may choose the START button.

Hit on the SERVICE.MSC again then, choose the ENTER button.

Now, hit on the PRINT SPOOLER then, choose the OK button.

Solution 3: Resolve the HP Printer Spooler issue by Android Device:

Reach the SETTINGS icon from the ANDROID DEVICE then, hit on the application button.

Now, go to the show SYSTEM APP then, scroll down.

Next, hit on the PRINT SPOOLER and then, tap on the STORAGE facility.

Here you have to pick the CACHEE or CLEAR DATA.

Now, begin the DOCUMENT and then, choose the ICON.

Hit on the PRINT where you may preview the DISPLAY screen.