If the HP printer is not copying anything or has quality, blur, lines, or another similar issue after applying the print, there might be various reasons but, it can be resolved without much more effort. Just, follow the causes and actual solutions to fix the HP printer not copying problem.

Causes Of HP Printer Not Copying Properly:

  • Due to the ink problem.
  • Due to the low speed of the internet.
  • Connectivity issue.
  • Incorrect configuration of the control panel.
  • Incorrect size or alignment of the Page.
  • Due to the low quality of the page and many more things.

Therefore, you may observe the above-presented causes when the HP printer doesn’t copy properly. If you are looking for a reliable, secure, and fast solution then, read the step-by-step directions or fix the HP printer not copying properly issue.

Accurate Solutions to Fix HP Printer Not Copying Properly:

If you are looking for the finest solution to fix the printer not copying properly problem permanently then, check out the presented solutions:

Resolve Copies have lines or color bands:

If you are facing the color bands problem or getting the lines after applying the print options then, you must check the below-given solutions:

  • Having vertical or horizontal lines or color bands can be an issue with the cartridges, scanner, or power supply so you may perform the basic steps to fix this issue.
  • Clean the scanner glass as well as another part through a dry cotton cloth.

Clean your flatbed scanner:

  • To get this process, just turn OFF your printer and then, disconnect the power from the electric outlet.
  • Open the scanner lid, clean the class with a cloth then, wait for 3 minutes.
  • Try to set it again.

Resolve If the Copy sizes are too small or too large:

You may fix this issue if you are getting large or small size copies on every print. So, before doing anything, just read the steps:

Re-arrange the papers:

  • You must try to remove all the papers from the paper tray.
  • Then, try to provide a proper alignment from the edges.
  • Now, attach with the paper tray if the message is displaying for the print under the control panel then, check out the size and hit on the OK button.

Change or Modify the actual size settings:

Due to the alignment and size, you may face the not copying anything problem.

  • Then, you have to go to the control display panel.
  • Next, go to the main menu where you may pick the alignment and size.
  • Hit on the change button and try to choose reset.
  • Then, tap on the OK and try to print a paper.
  • If again get the same problem then, use the below-given solution.

Copies Are Blank:

After sending the print order, your HP printer is sending the blank page only then, don’t need to worry, you may resolve this issue using the presented pointers:

Ensure that, you have checked the level of the ink, ink cartridge settings, quality of the ink, toner level, and color combination. In most cases, the user will face the ink cartridge issue for the blank page printing problem.