If you are getting the problem of your HP printer is not recognized by your computer or other devices so sometimes, it can be irritating special when you are going to print some essential document. To rid this problem, you must apply some legitimate troubleshooting steps. Before starting the troubleshooting, you must find the actual problem or issue behind it. Here you will get a comprehensive solution to rid HP printer not recognized by the computer issue via a troubleshooting guide.

Causes of HP Printer not recognized Problem:

Here are some common reasons when HP printers can’t recognize by the computer. Just, read the below-mentioned pointers:

  • Due to the outdated Drivers:
  • The issue with the print spooler
  • Physical connection issue
  • Due to the Firewall or software interface
  • Bad network strength or slow speed of the internet and many more reasons.

Solutions to Resolve the HP Printer Not Recognized Issue:

To get the best possible solutions, the user must follow the below-given troubleshooting guide and try to read all the instructions step-by-step demonstration.

Initially, Just Check the Physical Connection:

  • Check the electric outlet or board.
  • Make sure, you are using an excellent-quality of USB cable.
  • Check the wireless setup of the HP printer.
  • Try to check the network strength.

After applying all the given steps if again get the HP Printer Not Recognized problem then, try to follow the below-presented resolving solutions.

Try to Reinstall Printer Drivers:

Due to corrupted or outdated drivers, the computer doesn’t recognize the HP printer so before doing anything, you need to update your HP printer driver using the below-given instructions.

  • First of all, you must press Windows + R simultaneously on your computer.
  • Then, the Windows prompt will open.
  • Here you must type MSc & press Enter.
  • You will directly reach Device Manager where you need to select your HP Printer.
  • Right-click on your HP printer & select the Uninstall option.
  • Now, tap on the Add Printer and again, choose your HP printer.

Rest the Service of the Print Spooler:

The print spooler will help to correct the directories of the printer and establish a long-lasting connection between printer & computer so just reset it using the below-mentioned step-by-step pointers.

  • Again, you need to press Windows + R keys together from the computer.
  • Under the command prompt dialogue, you have to write Service.MSC & hit the Enter button.
  • If the pop-up window has opened then, type print spooler in the search bar.
  • Right-click on it & click on the Reset button.

Disable The Temporary Firewall or Antivirus:

Firewall & antivirus gives ultimate protection to your computer and sometimes, the computer doesn’t recognize the printer so sometimes, you need to disable your antivirus as well as a firewall too.

Check the Internet speed:

You must check the actual speed of the internet from various internet speed checker websites and if you are getting very less or low speed then, you may face HP Printer Not Recognized by The Computer issue.

Reboot Your HP Printer:

After applying all the above-presented solutions, you must try to reboot your HP printer and then, try to connect to your computer.